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Carpaccio of scallops with tomato and mango salsa

Sour mango Spheres

4 pers
30 min
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16 x 10/20 scallops

Tomato and mango salsa

1 roma tomato
1 beef tomato
1 pineapple tomato
1 evergreen tomato
1/2 mango
1 spring onion
1 lime
Olive oil

Herb oil

1 bunch fresh coriander
1 bunch fresh basil
Olive oil
Fleur de sel
Espelette chilli pepper


Sour mango Spheres

Step 1

To prepare the scallop carpaccio

Place the scallops in the freezer for around 2 hours.

Step 2

To prepare the tomato and mango salsa

Remove the seeds from the tomatoes. Dice the onion, mango and tomatoes very finely. Finely chop the herbs and add around 1/3 to the diced mixture (keep the remaining 3/4 for the oil). Drizzle with olive oil. Add the lemon zest and juice. Season and set aside.

Step 3

To prepare the herb oil

Blanch and ice the remaining herbs, blend with the olive oil, season and strain through a fine sieve.

Step 4


Cut the scallops into carpaccio slices and arrange on a plate. Add your salsa and herb oil using a dropper. To finish, garnish with the Sour mango Spheres.