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Champagne, raspberry and rosemary

Intense raspberry Sphere

1 pers
5 min
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Rosemary syrup

45 cl filtered water
450 g sugar
A few sprigs of rosemary

To finish

150 g raspberries
1 bottle of chilled champagne
Intense raspberry Sphere

Step 1

Rosemary syrup

Strip the leaves from the rosemary and chop finely. Heat the water and sugar, continuing for 2-3 minutes after it reaches boiling point. Remove from the heat, add the rosemary to steep. Leave to cool then chill for 12 hours.

Step 2

To finish

Just before serving, strain the syrup. Pour a spoonful of syrup into each glass. Add a few raspberries and an intense raspberry Sphere. To finish, pour in the champagne and garnish with a small, carefully washed sprig of rosemary.