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Raspberry cream, fromage blanc mousse and raspberry tuile

Intense raspberry Spheres

4 pers
40 min
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Raspberry cream

120 g egg
54 g sugar
75 g butter
4 drops raspberry flavouring
45 g raspberry pulp
1 gelatine leaf

Fromage blanc mousse

190 g whipped cream
250 g 40% fat fromage blanc
50 g icing sugar
2 gelatine leaves
Zest of one lime

Raspberry tuile

50 g melted butter
100 g sugar
25 g flour
40 g raspberry juice


Raspberry sorbet
A few fresh raspberries
Intense raspberry sphere
Lemon cress sprigs

Step 1

The raspberry cream

Soak the gelatine in water. Heat the raspberry pulp, eggs and sugar in a bain-marie at 85°C until thickened. Add the raspberry flavouring and the drained gelatine. Cool to 40°C, then add the butter and blend the mixture. Keep in the fridge before putting into a piping bag with a No. 10 fluted tip.

Step 2

The fromage blanc mousse

Soak the gelatine. Whip the chilled cream with the sugar until it forms soft peaks. Melt the gelatine with a little water and mix with the fromage blanc. Gently mix the whipped cream with the fromage blanc and lime zest.

Step 3

The raspberry tuiles

Mix the sugar and butter together, add the raspberry juice and the flour. Make discs with the back of a spoon on a baking mat and bake at 170°C. After baking, you can give your tuiles a rounded shape using a rolling pin or simply leave them flat.

Step 4


Arrange dots of raspberry cream, one or two generous quenelles of fromage blanc mousse, tuiles, a few fresh raspberries and a quenelle of sorbet on a plate. Garnish with an Intense raspberry Spheres and a few sprigs of lemon cress.