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Strawberries marinated in balsamic and lemon mascarpone cream

Brown balsamic vinegar cream Spheres

4 pers
1 h 15 min
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Muscovado sugar tuile

100 g softened butter
200 g muscovado sugar
7 egg whites
200 g flour

Soft fruit jam

100 g raspberries
100 g raspberries
100 g redcurrants
20 cl cane sugar syrup
2 tablespoons orange blossom water

Strawberry coulis

A dozen ripe strawberries
3 tablespoons caster sugar

Lemon mascarpone cream

2 gelatine leaves
320 g double cream
40 g caster sugar
80 g mascarpone
Zest of half a lemon
Zest of half a lime

Marinated strawberries

500 g strawberries
150 g soft fruit jam
70 g strawberry coulis
8 cl balsamic vinegar


Yoghurt sorbet
A few strawberries to garnish
Brown balsamic vinegar cream Spheres

Etape 1

Muscovado sugar tuile

The day before, mix the butter and sugar in a bowl, then add the egg whites. Mix together, then add the flour. Cover with cling film in direct contact with the dough then chill overnight. On the day of cooking, preheat the oven to 170°C. On a baking tray lined with baking paper, shape the dough into strips measuring 12 x 1 cm, then bake for 7 minutes. As soon as they come out of the oven, shape them into a spiral around a rolling pin.

Etape 2

Lemon mascarpone cream

Soak the gelatine in a bowl of cold water. Bring the cream to the boil with the sugar, then add the drained gelatine. Pour into a bowl, add the mascarpone and mix, then finish by adding the zest of the 2 lemons. Cover with cling film in direct contact with the cream and keep in a cool place.

Etape 3

Soft fruit jam

Wash, dry and chop the fruit. Cook them in the syrup and orange blossom water. Blend finely. Set aside.

Etape 4

Strawberry coulis

Halve the strawberries and place them with the sugar in a saucepan half-filled with water. Bring to the boil, then leave to simmer for a few minutes. Blend, cover with cling film in direct contact with the coulis and set aside in the fridge.

Etape 5

Marinated strawberries

Mix the soft fruit jam, strawberry coulis and balsamic vinegar together. Hull the strawberries, then cut them in half lengthways. Just before serving, dip them in the marinade.

Etape 6


Place a little mascarpone cream on the side of the plate. Drain the marinated strawberries and arrange them on the plate. Add a few plain strawberries cut into quarters. Finish with a quenelle of yoghurt sorbet and a tuile. Top with a Brown balsamic vinegar cream Spheres.