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Breton shortbread with apple compote

Salted butter caramel Spheres

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Breton shortbread

40 g egg yolk
70 g caster sugar
75 g butter
2 g fleur de sel
100 g flour
10 g baking powder

Apple compote

4 Golden Delicious apples
100 g sugar
50 g honey
50 g white rum
Penja pepper

Ricotta cream

100 g ricotta cheese
30 g mascarpone
90 g whipped cream
Zest of one lime
1 vanilla bean


Slivers of roasted peanuts
Salted butter caramel Spheres

Recipe by Chef Eric Stéphan

Step 1

The Breton shortbread

Beat the softened butter with the sugar and egg yolk until pale. Add the salt, flour and baking powder. Mix to a smooth dough. Put aside. Roll out the pastry to a thickness of 5 mm. Using a pastry cutter, cut out circles for baking. Bake at 170°C until golden brown.

Step 2

The apple compote

Peel and dice the apples. Place them in a frying pan with the sugar and honey and cook gently. Add the coarsely ground pepper. Flambé with rum, then continue cooking gently until you obtain the consistency of compote.

Step 3

The ricotta cream

Thin the ricotta with the mascarpone, lime zest and vanilla. Gently fold in the whipped cream, then chill in the fridge.

Step 4


Arrange the Breton shortbread in a cooking ring, then top with the apple compote. Remove the ring and place a generous quenelle of ricotta cream on top. To finish, decorate with a Salted butter caramel Spheres and a few peanut slivers.