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Salmon tartare and apples

Raspberry Flavor Pearls

4 pers
30 min
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150 g smoked salmon
150 g fresh salmon
1 apple
50 g raspberries (fresh or frozen)
5 tablespoons raspberry juice
1 teaspoon maple syrup
1 teaspoon olive oil
Raspberry Flavor Pearls

Step 1

To prepare the dried apples

Wash the apple and slice very thinly using a mandolin. Cover the baking tray with a silicone baking sheet and place the apple slices on it. Dry at 150°C for 20-25 minutes.

Step 2

To prepare the raspberry coulis

Place the raspberries and raspberry juice in a small saucepan. Add the maple syrup and leave to stew for a few minutes. Allow to cool.

Step 3

To prepare the salmon tartare

Cut the two types of salmon into small cubes and season with olive oil and pepper. Add the raspberry coulis and mix.

Step 4


Alternate the slices of dried apple with the salmon tartare in a circle. Garnish with dried apples, dill and a few raspberry Flavor Pearls